We are now in a rapid process of expansion, and the energies directed to and accessible by us are the strongest that I’ve experienced in my 25 years of spiritual teaching and personal development. These high vibrational times are like creativity – cyclical in nature with an ebb and flow. Right now, we are in an energy monsoon, so get wet!

The fall equinox brings in a very powerful shift In energies. From the Winter Equinox in March until now, the energy around us is more ‘masculine’ in nature. Spring and Summer is the time of activity, building and growing things that are tangible, and living in an outgoing way. From now until the Spring Equinox in March, the energies support us being more internal and introspective, enabling deep learning, creative flow and spiritual expansion. Between now and the Winter Solstice in December, it is the optimal time for review and release – assessing what no longer serves you, allowing it to fall away and ‘dreaming’ what comes next. After the Winter Solstice, energies rebuild for the explosion of the new in the spring.

The energy is available to you now to be introspective and assess what no longer serves you. Your anxieties about covid and being caught up in the fears of others is a great place to start. With gentleness, look at yourself, your thoughts, actions and emotions. Ask yourself “ What am I creating, or allowing others to create for me, that is keeping my anxiety in control and separating me from Spirit and my spiritual expression?” Take stock, then observe your awareness, asking for the insight and ability to return to your spirited core of self.

Consider this – the lower vibrational fields on the Earth wish us to dance with them, while the driving force within needs us to dance in the cosmos. This inner psycho conflict produces a great deal of anxiety for those of us on the spiritual path. It is essential that you choose the higher path, for your own inner peace and to keep energies flowing.

Love and Light, Kathy Glover Scott