Past lives are ‘stories’ that our psyche tells  us

so we know the direction to follow to

  recognize, release and remove energies

that are inhibiting soul expansion. 

Our souls have no beginning or end, and that we return to the school of life over and over. Significant information and experiences are stored as soul memories.  The energy of these memories can and will impact us on our spiritual journey, through our relationships and work, in our physical and emotional health, and impact our goals, dreams and desires.   On my own personal journey, I’ve embraced and worked through these past life stories especially when coming up against a wall or a resistance external to myself, or one’s within myself. Without having done this, my abilities and universal connection but I have now would not exist.

For many Lightworkers, past life memories have been deeply triggered by the onset of,  and the field of fear based energy created by Covid-19.  For most, the Root and Sacral Chakras have been really rattled, impacting a person’s foundation in life, ability to ground and sense of well-being. As sensitive Lightworkers, we can be absorbing so much right now, triggering deeply buried life issue and angst from past lives. What happens is that the energetic presence of these memories and lack of recognition and clearing of them enables anxiety, fear, confusion, detachment, enable physical challenges and pain,  and impacts sleep and rest.

Almost every individual  consultation I’ve had with people, past life patterns and issues arise. My approach is that if a past life story is showing up, then it relates directly to a current spiritual or life issue. I’ve developed and taught strategies to access past life stories, find the nuggets of information and energy stored in them, and then remove any constriction from past life experiences in this lifetime AND integrate past life knowledge and abilities to help in this lifetime.

So for July and August, I am offering individual virtual past life sessions where you will experience:

  • Removal of any resistances or blockages or fears to pass life knowledge
  • Specific information  on a minimum of three past lives, with  information of how they are impacting you in this lifetime
  • High vibrational energy work to remove the  restrictive energy of the past lifetimes revealed through this session
  • Attunement of you to pass life learning and experiences that are helpful for you in this lifetime
  • You will be asked to answer a few questions before the session, and receive a report and summary after the session. Your integration of new energy will continue after the session is complete.

Click here for more information.

Love and Light, Kathy