Reiki Ascended Master

The Ascended Master Degrees attunes and aligns you in the final phase of ascension and living an enlightened life on the Earth. If you have arrived here, you are holding and living some of the highest frequencies of energy available to us and doing so in a grounded way – with your feet on the ground and your head in the heavens.

You are also able to live fully from your Heart Space and access the Field of all Possibility. The focus of these degrees is enlightened living, personal power, manifesting, alignment with highest level of guidance and living as an Ascended Master on the Earth.

Here are the final degrees for this powerful system for expansion and healing:

Fifteenth Degree: You are able to work beyond the veil to help correct and make changes to the everyday thinking processes from this level of awareness. You gain a closer connection and more ability to connect with your own higher knowing. The two symbols of this degree – Pure Knowing and Pure Love – align you with Christ Consciousness.

Sixteenth Degree: You feel a fuller Mastery over life issues and your ability to discern and choose what is for your highest good is a way of life. There are two symbols for this degree – cleansing, purifying love from the Divine and one for total awareness of who you are and what you came here to do.

Seventeenth Degree: Symbol of wholeness – completion of order – and full knowing and control over past life thoughts and memories. You are being prepared to go forward into full life mastery at the higher levels. You will be attuned to the Higher Mind and move further into the higher levels of love and light.

Eighteenth Degree: You are moved into higher dimensions of consciousness and you become freer of the constrictions and restrictions of the limited third dimensional mind. Third Eye and Crown Chakra fully activated while you retain inner peace and grounded way of living. A new symbol assists you.

Nineteenth Degree: With this degree you enter the final three degrees of Ascension. With the attunements, you gain pure knowing of love and light with abilities to attract and channel whatever is required for yourself and others – for the highest good. The symbol in this degree assists this process.

Twentieth Degree: Absolute and unwavering connection with the Earth Mother and the morphic field of healing energies of the Earth. You experience a rapid expansion of the Divine Feminine within and without. The symbols of Sixth Degree are re-attuned at this frequency. Absolute bliss and beauty!

Twenty-First Degree: Attunement to this degree provides for more consciousness of the harmonious nature within all. With your increased vibrational frequency are purely connected with your soul’s energy presence within.

Attunement brings you to a new level – starting afresh without the strictures of the past interfering. You walk the earth safely and have more confidence and ownership of the true self coming. Your new life as an enlightened being begins.